Cancel, Pause, or Change a Subscription for the Premium App
Please follow THESE STEPS to unsubscribe from Kreezee on your Google Play account.
For Apple App Store, click HERE.PopularHow do I Unsubscribe from the Kreezee App on iPhone?
Please follow THESE STEPS to unsubscribe from the Kreezee App in the Apple App Store.
For Google Play Store, Click HERE.Some readersAdd an Administrator/Super Administrator to your platform.
Some readersConnecting 2 Stripe Accounts with 2 Websites
You're going to want to set up your Stripe accounts before you start connecting them to Kreezee. When you're done setting those up, log into your first Kreezee account and go to "Online Payment"
On the next screen click "Connect"
In the top right corner of the next sFew readersTeam Manager Permissions
You'd like to apply different permissions for your team managers. These managers can only influence the teams they're assigned to manage.
To set that up:
In the Kreezee Platform, go to "My Staff"
Select the "Team Managers" tab
Look for the team you'd like to add a manager to
Now you can select the "Add a manager" option (or the "Edit" or "Delete" Icon)
( readersEdit A Game Lineup
If you're a Team Manager, you can edit various aspects of the Kreezee Platform.
To edit a Game Lineup: Select the League with the game you'd like to edit, then select the "Edit" icon.
You will notice that only the Schedule tab is available to this user: You'll select the appropriate date for theFew readersSetting your mailbox
On the device on which you want to install the mailbox, go to : and log into your account.
Click on your email name at the top right corner.
Select ''Configure Mail Client''
In the upper section, select "IMAP over SSL/TLS" next to your device's type.
( readersCreating a new Kreezee account
To create a new Kreezee account, simply head over to and click on the "Log In" button:
A small log in window will open. Click on "Create a new account":
From here, simply fill out all of the requiFew readersForgotten Password
You've logged out of Kreezee and can't remember the password to get back in?
You'll be faced with this screen:
Did you create your account using Facebook or Google? Then use one of the icons at the bottom of this window to log back in.
If you did not use one of those methods, you'll need to click "forgot your password?" and go to the next step:
Enter your email address in the boFew readersChanging Your Password
In your dashboard, select your name in the top right corner:
You'll be faced with this screen. Select "Password" near the top of the page:
On the next screen you'll enter your existing password, as well as the new password of your choice. Don't forget to SAVE
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