Activate in-app Online Payments
Access to your league, association, tournament or team solution. Once you get inside your solution, click on "Online Payment" menu. Inside the "Online Payment" page, click on the "Connect" button. You will then access to the Stripe new account page. *IFew readersCreate Online Payment Form
From your League admin home page, click on the WEBSITE menu. Click on the FORM tab. Click on ADD button. Insert your form TITLE. * You can also add a description to your form as a reminder for yourself inside the DESCRIPTION section just below the TITLE section. Insert the email content that the user filling up the form will receive once the form submited. InsFew readersAdd your Online Payment Form to a page
Click on the WEBSITE menu. Click on the PAGES tab. Click on the ADD button. Once you completed to fill your page title, click on the ADD FORM button. From the dropdown menu, select the form you want to insert in your page. Click on the ADD button. An image representing your form will be inserted in your page. Click on the SAVE button. (https://sFew readers