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Widgets: Social Media (with preview)

On your web page, click on "Edit Website" at the top right of the page

Click on "Add A Widget"

The following list will appear, in which you will select "Social Media" by pressing the "+" sign next to it:
*Be careful not to select "Social media Icons" as this is a different widget that only shows icons without any preview

You can now see the social media widget has appeared on your page with the default Kreezee Facebook preview. Let's customize it and add your social medias as preview. Hit the Gear button at the top right of the widget:

The widget settings window has appeared. Here is where you can type in the Facebook link and Twitter username you wish to add. If you do not want to add both social media platforms, simply leave the field of the platform you do not want to add blank. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the widget settings window

Updated on: 31/08/2021

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