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Image Carousel Widget

Image Carousel is a very handy widget for displaying many photos, with a timed delay between slides. Here's how:

Start by clicking 'Edit website'

Choose the section where you'd like to add your image carousel and select 'add a widget' in that section:

Then click the '+' beside the widget you'd like to add. In this case, it's the 'image carousel'.

From there you'll click the little 'gear' icon for widget settings.

When you click to 'add an image' you'll be taken to your computer's file manager, to select the image you'd like to upload. You may choose up to 30 images to be displayed. You may also add hyperlinks to each individual image.

Type in the display time, choose your animation type (slide or crossfade), and don't forget to his 'save' at the end.

Enjoy your new images in sequential order or random order

Updated on: 31/08/2021