Create Online Payment Form
From your League admin home page, click on the WEBSITE menu.
Click on the FORM tab.
Click on ADD button.

Insert your form TITLE. * You can also add a description to your form as a reminder for yourself inside the DESCRIPTION section just below the TITLE section.
Insert the email content that the user filling up the form will receive once the form submited.
Insert your organization email address that will receive all submited forms from users (you can add more tha one by clicking on the + icon.
Click on the SAVE button.

Add the desired field to your form by clicking on the + icon.
-Title / Text: allows you to insert a title inside your form.
-Text Field: allows users to insert text into a box.
-Dropdown Menu: allows you to offer multiple options to users from a dropdown menu.
-Check box: allows you to offer multiple options to users from check boxes. User can check more the one option.
-Option Box: allows you to offer multiple options to users from option boxes. User can check only one option.
-Email: allows users to insert email address. The form will validate if it's a valid email format before user can submit the form.
-Phone: allows users to insert phone number. The form will validate if it's a valid phone number format before user can submit the form.
-Postal Code: allows users to insert postal code. The form will validate if it's a valid postal code before user can submit the form.
-Date: allows users to insert date. The form will validate if it's a valid date format before user can submit the form.
-Text Area: allows users to insert multiple text into a box.
By moving your mouse over the field, you'll have the option to edit that field by clicking on the EDIT icon.
You can then edit yur field title, its options, if it's mandatory or not (the form will prompt user to complete this field before he can submit the form). Click on OK to completeyour modifications.
Click on the SAVE button.

By accessing to the PAYMENT section of your form, click on the ACTIVATE ONLINE PAYMENT check box and then use the + icon to add CHECK BOX (allows users to make multiple selections from offered options) or OPTION BOX (allows users to make only one selection from offered options).
By moving your mouse over the field, you'll have the option to edit that field by clicking on the EDIT icon.
You can now edit your field TITLE. * Check the REQUIRED FIELD box if you want to make this field mandatory.
Add your options using the + icon. Give a title your option and insert the amount corresponding to this option using the box to the right of the option title. Use the following format for the amount without using the $ symbol: 00.00 . Click on OK to complete your modifications.
Click on the SAVE button.

Click on the FORM tab.
Click on ADD button.

Insert your form TITLE. * You can also add a description to your form as a reminder for yourself inside the DESCRIPTION section just below the TITLE section.
Insert the email content that the user filling up the form will receive once the form submited.
Insert your organization email address that will receive all submited forms from users (you can add more tha one by clicking on the + icon.
Click on the SAVE button.

Add the desired field to your form by clicking on the + icon.
-Title / Text: allows you to insert a title inside your form.
-Text Field: allows users to insert text into a box.
-Dropdown Menu: allows you to offer multiple options to users from a dropdown menu.
-Check box: allows you to offer multiple options to users from check boxes. User can check more the one option.
-Option Box: allows you to offer multiple options to users from option boxes. User can check only one option.
-Email: allows users to insert email address. The form will validate if it's a valid email format before user can submit the form.
-Phone: allows users to insert phone number. The form will validate if it's a valid phone number format before user can submit the form.
-Postal Code: allows users to insert postal code. The form will validate if it's a valid postal code before user can submit the form.
-Date: allows users to insert date. The form will validate if it's a valid date format before user can submit the form.
-Text Area: allows users to insert multiple text into a box.
By moving your mouse over the field, you'll have the option to edit that field by clicking on the EDIT icon.
You can then edit yur field title, its options, if it's mandatory or not (the form will prompt user to complete this field before he can submit the form). Click on OK to completeyour modifications.
Click on the SAVE button.

By accessing to the PAYMENT section of your form, click on the ACTIVATE ONLINE PAYMENT check box and then use the + icon to add CHECK BOX (allows users to make multiple selections from offered options) or OPTION BOX (allows users to make only one selection from offered options).
By moving your mouse over the field, you'll have the option to edit that field by clicking on the EDIT icon.
You can now edit your field TITLE. * Check the REQUIRED FIELD box if you want to make this field mandatory.
Add your options using the + icon. Give a title your option and insert the amount corresponding to this option using the box to the right of the option title. Use the following format for the amount without using the $ symbol: 00.00 . Click on OK to complete your modifications.
Click on the SAVE button.

Updated on: 31/08/2021