Kreezee Onboarding Form G

Welcome to _Kreezee_!
We’re very happy to be working with you! This guide provides information regarding the process of getting you and your team using Kreezee like pros, over the next few weeks.
Our Mission:
To become the world’s largest, most respected sports league management, and website creation platform, while creating success, happiness, and opportunity for our users, teams and communities!
The Team:
Our team is dedicated to world class support and service. We’re available via chat, email, and telephone Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm Eastern Time
Onboarding Time Frame:
From the time of our first interaction, to setup completion will be decided by you and Kreezee, as a team. There are steps to be taken by both parties. Our aim is to have you onboarded, set up, and trained within a few weeks. Of course, this is dependent on your time frame and response times. Delays can occur for various reasons.
Onboarding Processes:
Let’s be honest, setting up a new software is nobody’s idea of a good time. It may seem daunting at first; learning a new system often is. Our process is as streamlined as we have been able to make it and we’re committed to providing the support and guidance your team needs to become active, successful Kreezee users.
In the next few weeks we will:
Share our Quick Start Guide with you
Get your Domain transferred to Kreezee using THESE steps (if applicable)
Ask you read THIS form and send us the requirements for your situation
Help set up your platform (2-4 days)
Ask you to show us any import data, from your current software (if applicable)
Help you import said data (Allow up to 5 business days, if applicable)
Ask you and your users to watch our short Video Learning Series
Arrange a training webinar call to go over training + Q&A (45 - 60 minutes)
Email a follow up to that training call, within 2 business days
Work with your team to finalize setup and ensure success (10 business days)
**Following completion of the Onboarding process:**
Bi-monthly check-in with Admin, ensuring success criteria are being met (120days)
Offer constantly updated Training Videos (ongoing)
Continued support via built-in chat as well as email correspondence (ongoing)
**Kreezee System Suggestions:**
Google Chrome Ver. 84 & Firefox Ver. 79 or Higher ARE Supported
Minimum Internet Download speed of 60mbps*
Minimum Internet Upload speed of 6mbps*
(*Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari or other browsers are Not Officially Supported and may result in inconsistent results. **Lower internet speeds may result in inconsistent results)
**Performance Disclaimers:**
Firewalls Must be Turned Off or Allow Access
(Kreezee cannot be responsible for firewalls blocking the connection to the software and/or blocking emails from being sent through Kreezee. In the event of a firewall blockage, please contact your IT Department)
Email Spam Prevention is Your Responsibility
(Kreezee Sports is not responsible for your email being sent to spam. Kreezee Sports platform can send emails on your behalf, but your spam score is dependent on the quality and quantity of those emails. Send responsibly)
Browser Ad Blockers
(Some ad blockers are less compatible with Kreezee websites. uBlock/uBlock Origin has some known compatibility issues which may cause inconsistent results. AdBlock is what is used in our offices, and is recommended)
Importing Records
(Whenever possible, Kreezee Sports platform can import your teams, players, etc. The details of those imports are dependent on the quality of the spreadsheets you possess. Kreezee Sports can not import data that is not present on your spreadsheets. Kreezee is not able to import every document type. Kreezee Sports my process your data for an additional fee, which will be agreed upon in advance)
**Training & Documents:**
Here are some very helpful references and a link to our knowledge database:
Link to our Help Centre
Training Video Series
**Contact Information**
Success Manager: G
Email: Telephone: 1.418.561.5662 Toll Free: 1.844.757.3393
Updated on: 31/08/2021